Biomyc & Cleantech Bulgaria complete EIT Climate KIC Pathfinder project

Biomyc and Cleantech Bulgaria successfully completed an eight-month EIT Climate KIC Pathfinder project. The Pathfinder project had the overarching goal of identifying and validating market opportunities for mycelium composite materials in the EU.

During the 8-month project and through extensive collaboration between the two companies three innovation opportunities based on mycelium composite technology were identified with great EU-wide impact and market potential.

The Project

The Pathfinder Project “shift IDEAS – Exploring the market potential of mycelium-lignocellulose based bio-degradable materials as alternatives to petrochemical derivatives.” was created to explore the innovation possibilities of mushroom technology, that works by combining crop waste and fungal organisms to create a composite material out of which multiple products can be created.

With the help of EIT Climate KIC and Cleantech Bulgaria great progress was achieved with the Pathfinder Project in the last ten months. All initially set KPIs were completed and the information gathered is invaluable for the next step in Biomyc’s development plan.

Project Findings and Results

Market Research – Regulatory, technology, and market research conducting

Duration: 5 months
Result: Extensive market data was gathered on the Mycelium Composite Material Market by attending specialized events, conducting direct client-based market research, and commissioning detailed analyses. Within the project timeframe multiple analyses were completed:

  • Market Size Assessment
  • Competitive Landscape
  • Regulatory Landscape in Europe
  • Market Drivers and Restraints
  • Competitive analysis


Market Validation – Prove market existence and gain macro industry understanding

Duration: 6 months
Result: +27 interviews were conducted with potential customers and three niches were identified. Pilot products of mushroom material developed and commissioned – branding merchandise. Attracted a first pilot order for a boutique wine manufacturer in Bulgaria, based on the technology implemented in the product samples.

Validation of the methodology for the production of biomaterial samples

Duration: 5 months
Result: Our lead biotechnologist, prof. Albert Krastanov and his team of researchers optimized the technology. Samples with great mycelial coverage were produced. Different methods for material manipulation were tested. Two production methods were identified.

Material Testing – Test composite for biodegradability and mechanical properties

Duration: 2 months
Result: The material is tested for biodegradability – achieved full degradation in only 50 days in-lab and 75 days outside of the laboratory, with great promise of compostability. Mechanical testing was conducted and promising.

Raw Resource Location – Nationwide mapping of appropriate raw sources of lignocellulose

Duration: 5 months
Result: Commissioned and completed agricultural waste map of Bulgaria, showing types of lignocellulose waste available. 

About Pathfinder

Open to both partners and interested partners, Pathfinder helps innovators test, refine and confirm assumptions about their innovative ideas, so that they are suitably developed to be applied and implemented.

The Pathfinder is designed to enable the collaboration of research and business stakeholders, who can bring their different perspectives together to ensure the innovation idea achieves real climate benefit and is a viable innovation proposition. They typically last between three to six months and can receive funding from Climate-KIC up to a maximum grant of €100,000.